- To recieve considerate and respectful healthcare irrespective of age , religion, sex, religion, caste , location and income.
- To remain informed of your disease, treatment choices, and prognosis.
- To knwo the names of people who are involved in your treatment( Doctors, Nurses, Physical therapists and other related
health workers)
- To make informed decisions about your management and refuse the offered treatment modality.
- To seek second opinions and change your doctor if you are not satisfied.
- Right to privacy and confidentiality of your medical records except when required to be disclosed by law.
- Access to your medical records and have the information explained to you.
- Recive areasonable continum in the health care mangement.
- To be able to request to be enrolled in various research studies.
- To have the medical bills explained to you.
- Provide a complete and accurate information as deemed necessary by your treating doctor including but not limited to past
medications, hospitalisations and any addictions.
- Remain informed about your treatment and make informed decisions regarding the same.
- Ask questions when you have not completly understood the procedure.
- Follow the physicians instruction as closely as possible.
- Modify your lifestyles to help your doctor provide the optimal level of care.
- Inform your doctor if you are having any problems with your medications or current treatment protocol.